5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Please join us for our Annual Meeting with Executive
Director Dana Whitelaw, Ph.D., to hear about the
Museum’s recent accomplishments and upcoming
plans. Afterward, stay to experience the festivities of
Member Appreciation Night. This family-friendly event
features a Valentine’s twist—make your own valentines for
the animals at the Museum and ask them to “be mine!”
Food and beverage will be available.
Annual Meeting
5:00 pm — 6:00 pm
Presentation at 5:30 pm
Registration required
Member Appreciation Night
6:00 pm — 7:30 pm
Members free, member guests $5
Snacks, no-host bar
Venue: High Desert Museum
Venue Phone: 541-382-4754
Address:59800 South Highway 97, Bend, Oregon, 97702, United States