Special Spring Break Daily Schedule!
Saturday, March 22 through Saturday, March 29
Daily Schedule
Nature Walk
10:30 am
Join a naturalist for a short walk on Museum grounds to learn about the diverse habitats that support an abundance of plants and animals in the High Desert region. Find out how humans can learn to coexist with wildlife habitats.
Bird of Prey Encounter
11:00 am
Meet a non-releasable raptor in the Museum’s care. Learn about the unique adaptations of different raptors, their role in the environment and what you can do to ensure their future in the High Desert. This is a first-come, first-seated event with doors closing promptly on the hour.
Carnivore Talk
12:00 pm
From wolves and cougars to bobcats and black bears, many predatory mammals call the High Desert home. Learn how to identify them and hear about how we can protect their roles in the ecosystem.
Otter Encounter
1:00 pm
Explore the role these charismatic animals play in riparian ecosystems of the High Desert and how changes in water use effects their habitats. Where are otters found? What do they eat? How are they an indicator of a healthy river community? At the Autzen Otter Exhibit
Living History Encounter
1:30 pm Tuesdays-Fridays
Discover how the past has led to the High Desert we know today through interpretive activities in unique spaces throughout the Museum.
High Desert Hooves
2:00 pm
Mammals with hooves, such as mule deer and pronghorn, are some of the most iconic species in the High Desert. Find out how scientists study their migrations and manage challenging issues facing these populations.
Mammal Encounter
3:00 pm
There are many mammals who call the High Desert home. Meet one of the ambassador mammals in our care and learn about the adaptations that enable them to thrive in High Desert habitats.
High Desert Ranch & Sawmill
11:00 am – 3:00 pm (Saturdays)
Get hands-on with the past and experience interactive history. Explore how people lived and supported themselves in the High Desert. Jump in to lend a hand or ask about the many buildings and objects from various times.