Natural History Pub: The Bend to Suttle Lake Wildlife Passage Initiative

  •  04.07.25
     7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

wildlife passage natural history pub

Every year, thousands of animals are hit by motor vehicles while crossing Oregon’s highways. One road is particularly dangerous: Highway 20 between Bend and Suttle Lake, where the highest densities of deer and elk vehicle collisions occur in the entire state. Despite these dangers on Highway 20 and elsewhere, Oregon has the lowest number of wildlife crossings in comparison to any western state. In this panel discussion, hear from Jeremy Austin of Central Oregon LandWatch, Cidney Bowman of Oregon Department of Transportation, Andrew Walch of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Corrinne Oedekerk of Oregon State University-Cascades to learn about their efforts to build a wildlife passage structure on Highway 20. (Photo by Simon Wray)

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm, doors open at 5:30 pm

FREE. RSVP required. Space is limited. 


With support from


700 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon, 97701, United States


Food and beverage sales in Father Luke’s Room help support this popular lecture series.
Seating is limited and RSVP is required.

7:00 pm (Doors open at 5:30 pm)